If you have personal content that has not been removed from a dating website as requested DMCA.com can help. If you have found your personal information being used on a dating site without your permission DMCA.com can help get it removed. Frequently users will steal personal content of others from social media sites and use them on dating profiles.
Get started right away! File Takedown Notices on offending sites and content platforms immediately. The faster your content is removed the less likely it is to spread to other websites.
How can I get my picture removed from a dating site?
- Find as many copies (URL's) and versions as you can. It can be a tough and difficult process but you are the best person to identify this content. Often it will be edited or altered in some way and therefore you can identify it the quickest. Make a list. Like a weed, if you can get at the source you can stop it from spreading. Often only one website was the source of the uploaded picture or video. It is important to get it removed from there and move on to the other sites, if there are any.
Note: DMCA.com does provide a professional service to locate copies of your photos for takedown. When completing your takedown notice form on the site make sure and request a quote for this service should you prefer.
- DO NOT assume that once your photo or video is off one website the issue is resolved. It could have been copied and uploaded somewhere else. The longer the content has been up the more likely it has spread to other networks and websites.
- Do not become a victim of extortion! Do not send money or a picture of your ID to hosting companies or website owners in order to get your content removed. This is a serious act of privacy violation and not required within any takedown process, anywhere. If you must pay to have your content taken offline it is extortion or a bribe under most laws. If you must pay or follow some other bizarre process to have your content taken offline do so with a lawyer, inform the police and where possible have an internet specialist with you.
- Begin Processing (DMCA) Takedowns immediately! The faster the better. Do it now! Staying on top of getting your content taken down means you can stop or slow the spread of pictures.
- you can conduct takedowns yourself if you are internet savvy (DMCA.com has a very inexpensive DIY Program)
- use a lawyer or
- use a service like DMCA.com Professional Takedown Service.
If you choose to conduct the process yourself here are a few important tips:
- follow the (DMCA) Takedown process of website where you have found the pictures or video exactly. If the website has it's own policy follow that.
- do NOT be emotional in your description or request for removal
- do NOT tell a story or give background or incident details
- clearly state the facts related to the photo or picture usage - it's your picture, or you are in it and you did not give permission to be used in this manner or you own the copyright.
- Stop the source. Find out where the content came from and make sure no more theft of your pictures can occur. If the content is on your email, mobile phone, camera, laptop etc. make sure to remove access to the internet. If someone has gained access to your mobile or cell phone, email, computer files, GoPro, camera or iCloud storage and published your nude pictures on the internet without your permission change your passwords and remove the content.
If you have questions about your situation, we can help. Submit your takedown questions here: www.dmca.com/takedowns/question. Be as detailed as possible. Include as many links as possible. Include complete details on content ownership and source.
DMCA Takedown Fast Tip
Processing a takedown can also help any legal action you have started or will start later. Regardless of the method you use, the quicker the better.
How long will it take to submit the form?
The DMCA.com Takedown claim form takes about 3 minutes to fill out. We will do the rest for you. Our goal at DMCA.com is to make the process as fast and easy as possible.
How long until my personal information will be removed from the dating site?
It depends on the site and conditions of the takedown notice. The length of time for the content to be taken down from the dating site can be hours or days.
One of the advantages of using a professional company like DMCA.com is expertise and experience in building and processing takedown notices.
- Expertise means - getting it right the first time. It is critical to get notice process right the first time to not waste time in the getting the content removed.
- Experience means - the team is familiar with the site where your content is located and will know what it takes to get the content removed quickly.
If you need answers about time, simply add a note to ask your takedown professional to provide you with an estimate of the time it will take to get your content down.
DMCA Takedown Testimonial
Hey, Thank you so much for your help. You are truly life savers! You've been nothing but effective, professional and quick to solve my problem. I will definitely use your services again if needed. Kind Regards, -C.D
What do I need submit for the takedown signup form?
Three pieces of information are needed to get started with removal from dating sites:
- Infringing URL - where on the internet (or platform like Facebook or TikTok) is your stolen content located.? What is the link?
- Source URL - where was your content located when it was stolen? If it was not online you can reference cell phone, computer, cloud storage or camera etc.
- Description of Ownership - how is this content yours? How do you own it and if you do know how was it stolen?
If you are unsure on how to answer any of these three information categories the Professional Takedown Team at DMCA.com can help with the answers.
What if my content is on more than one dating site?
Our team is familiar with the process of multiple website takedown notices. They will help guide you through what you need to do and know.
Most takedown requests contain several websites or platforms. Our takedown signup form has all the space you need to add as many links as you want.
If there is one site in particular that is of the most concern for you make sure and highlight that when you sign up for your takedown. It will help the team prioritize the work they need to do for your case.
What if I do not have the original content thats on the dating site?
Not having source copies or information of proof can make the issue more complex, however it is a common problem. Our team is familiar with the process of missing source information for takedown notices. They will help guide you through what you need to do and fix.
Please clearly indicate why this information is not available to add to your takedown form.
Related DMCA Takedown FAQ's
- What is the DMCA Protected Badge

- What is DMCA Protection
- What is DMCA Takedowns
- What is DMCA.com
- What is DMCA Protected Certificate
- What is DMCA Website Certificate
- What is DMCA Website Status Page and Protection Certificate