  • Step 1
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  • Step 4
Status: Awaiting Login

Action required to proceed

To proceed with your takedown, the following is required:

  • Please choose an option (Paypal or Credit Card) to proceed with your $199 payment. Please give up to one business day for us to confirm your payment and issue the Takedown.

Action required to proceed

We need more information before we can proceed. Please check the comments to see further instruction from your takedown specialist.

To complete your notice:

  • Please write a detailed description of your content ownership and how it was stolen.
  • Please add Infringing & Source URLs. These are addresses or references to both your own and the stolen copies of your content.

Action required to proceed

Please provide the locations of both your original content and the stolen content below

Describe what happened in detail:
Case Name: DMCA-TAKEDOWN#201234 Copied from:
Infringing Domain: Case Number:
Created: Last Updated:

Checking takedown details...
The infringing/source data for this case exceeds the display limit. Your takedown data remains on file within this case, but cannot be displayed for editing.
Your takedown spreadsheet is processing: 0% complete

Your takedown is submitted and processing has already begun

Please refer to your email for your password and log in to see updates ready for your review.

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