also offers a Professional Watermarker service as part of the Protection Pro service. This watermarker service is for standard websites requiring content protection

How Does it Work?

  1. Once logged in and with your permission, connects to your Facebook account to reference your list of photo albums.
  2. You choose which albums you want WaterMarked by selecting "WaterMark this Album"
  3. creates a cloned photo album. Your original photos remain untouched - Your original album remains completely intact.
  4. You then enter your Copyright/WaterMark text. Generally this is your name, your company or business name or some other differentiating text.
  5. Click "Submit" and watermarks all the photos within your new Album.
  6. On the upgraded Protection Pro watermaker version you can upload your logo, choose where your logo appears, select the opacity of your watermark and many other features
  7. In your facebook setting you now select the photos from your new watermarked folder as the album to share with friends.
  8. Change the privacy (display) settings of the unwatermaked photo albums so only the groups or "friends" you trust can view them - or so no one can view them or you can delete / download them all together from your facebook account.

    Sign up for Free Website Protection here: Start Protecting your Photos with the WaterMarker!
    Modified: 01/10/2019
    Category: Frequently Asked Question
    By: Mr. DMCA Helper
    FAQ ID:b5c43c59-d0b5-4b0e-b3c0-c4102782b320
    AMP Version of this content is available.AMP URL: